The Brain Prophets Podcast- Part 1

So. Much. Goodness.

I relish in multi-faceted conversations… varying perspectives and views and experiences… everyone tuned in for growth and expansion. I had the pleasure of being on The Brain Prophets Podcast in January and had a great time. I’ll link the episodes below.

In this episode we discuss a concept that links together the unseen parts of our lives/existence and the seen parts of our lives/existence… the unseen being: our thoughts, emotions, energy, love, feelings, intuition, subtle body anatomy and energetics, ether, and felt part of relationships, the invisible strings that connect us; the relentless voices/narration in our heads, our ancestral lineage…. the seen parts being: physical body, 5 senses, earth, water, fire, air in some senses, and physical relationship, dna, cells, organs, etc.

My favorite books are in the “meta-physical section”… meaning “beyond” the physical… in this realm the concepts are explored in how the unseen parts of our lives influence the seen parts of our lives… or as I mention here in this part 1 … “our Biography—> creates our Biology”… What we tell ourselves, think of ourselves/others/relationships/situations, what we claim as our story sets forth energetic and state changes in our bodies that create physical expressions in our body, detected and experienced as our “biology.”

My most favorite authors/thinkers who discuss this very topic include:

Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Carolyn Myss, Dr. Mona Lisa Shultz, Dana Childs, Anodea Judith, Erica Jago , Danielle LaPorte, Gabrielle Bernstein, Dr. Joe Dispenza (who has incredible data on this!) plus many, many more.

I adore books. To me they contain powerful energy and allow you to use your mind and its ability to take you to whatever realm you’d like in an instant. Reading discussion on the topic of utilizing your thoughts, emotions, feelings to impact and UNDERSTAND your physical symptoms and experience creates this gateway to expand your world view… its as if you get a “third option.” Thats all we are after here. Create that new synapse. Allow your attention, your awareness, your imagination to “go there!” Allow the wonder and possibility to help create a flow state that FEELS good. That FEELING is being created by chemical cascades in your body… follow that! Have faith in your ability to heal and know that you are far more powerful than you are conditioned to believe.

I see you and I believe in you.

Namaste friends!!!