Kundalini Yoga- Aligning Your Light

What a JOURNEY!!!

Beginning of this month brought the completion of my 200 hour training in Kundalini Yoga through Kundalini University with Guru Singh and Brett Larkin. I have ALWAYS wanted to experience Yoga Teacher Training and this opportunity literally fell into my lap and nourished me in ways I never imagined it would.

Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness. In my experience even just mentally processing the concepts and taking my body through the postures and kryas consciously has restored a sense of union within my existence…. an appreciation of the “Unseen” parts of “me.”

There is so much focus on the physical body in our modern world- what it looks like, what’s it’s shape is at the moment, what it fits into, how its changed, what you DO with it, etc… that we can easily lose site of our own felt experience.

Kundalini Yoga is bringing your awareness back to this circulating energy within. Its always circulating. Always. It may be blocked or constricted or slow in one particular area… thats where Kunalini yoga comes in… through bringing the AWARENESS back to this circulating energy from within you can also become aware of how its being affected by your every day life habits and experiences… from this place of awareness you can begin to get curious and start unraveling the tangles to again experience a powerful, circulating Kunalini energy that nourishes every aspect of your life in incredible ways. The micro-orbit, the Heart circut, the “3 BRAINS”… chakras, vayus, subtle bodies… Learning the subtle anatomy of your existence is LIBERATING. Kundalini yoga is an incredible SCIENCE of applying certain asana, meditations, chanting, drishti, and kryas in a manner to serve your every energetic need.

This type of Yoga is one in particular that I love sharing with my clients/patients both in medicine and life coaching because its something you can do from where-ever you are physical or spatially at any moment and you can tailor the practice for great change or small.

I’m so excited to explore this science more with you.

My favorites to explore on Kundalini:

Guru Singh - www.kundaliniuniversity.com, www.gurusingh.com, 13 moons Community

Brett Larkin- UpliftedYoga.com

Let me know what questions you have about Kundalini Yoga … Have you ever tried this type of yoga in your own practice?

I see you friends- Sending you Love and Light, Namaste!

Jessica Floyd