The Brain Prophets Podcast - Part 2

Part 2 of this awesome conversation-

So much to review and discuss. What I love about the Brain Prophets is the breadth of topics they cover- having these conversations and appreciating what we each bring to the interactions, the relationships, we have on a daily basis is key to up-leveling our experience in this life.

You are here to live to the utmost of your potential.

What if just acknowledging this fact can shift your lens to one of possibility and potential and abundance … as opposed to fear and scarcity and should/could-mentality?

What if you can change the entire outcome of an interaction by first bringing awareness to your intention in having the interaction to begin with?

What if you can change your entire experience of being in your body by re-wiring your understanding of what your body is trying to tell you?

What if we start listening to our bodies and USING what they are telling us to make our decisions as opposed to always taking a “top down” approach from what others tell us to do?

So much to be curious about and so much to learn!

Lets dig in together.

Namaste friends!

Jessica Floyd