Who is Synapse & Soul for?


This space is for people who are drawn to learning how their brain and bodies work—not just the seen (anatomy, physiology)... but the unseen (energetics, thoughts, feelings, emotions, spiritual connection)—and TAKE that information into your life as ACTION steps to improve how you FEEL on a daily basis…

how you SLEEP,

how you MOVE,

how you RELATE with the most important people in your lives,

how you navigate your CAREER,

…and frankly how YOU can work on YOURSELF to bring about World Peace at the Local Level.

You may have recently been diagnosed with a neurologic condition and are scouring the internet to find information to show you WHAT TO DO NOW??

You may have had a neurologic diagnosis for years- Multiple Sclerosis, Migraine, Epilepsy, Memory loss,
Parkinson’s disease and read the news about meditation and exercise, but are confused as to WHY or HOW to start incorporating these lifestyle changes into your treatment plan ...

You may have crippling anxiety and depression and feel like something is missing in your approach to healing yourself…

You may be terrified of developing memory loss like both of your parents and grandparents did in their mid to late life…

You may be a yoga teacher looking to bring some neuroscience language into your classes to show your students the connections you’ve felt in your own life…

Are you a corporate executive looking to finally start taking care of herself?

Have you struggled with WEIGHT your whole life, tried every diet and workout plan, and ready to work on the underlying issues your body is protecting you from? 

Are you a PARENT… seeing your own self in your children and wondering how you can help them to handle life’s stresses and messes better than you have ?? 


All of these “situations” can be looked at through the lens of the nervous system.

Your body is TALKING to you, sending you signs and symptoms, evidence of where to look in your life to make the changes you desire…
You just need to learn to LISTEN.

Enid Wilson