NEW Course Launching this month!!!
Its finally here!!!
I feel like I’ve been manifesting evergreen online content to support my patients, friends, and family for SO long… Attempting to summarize and organize information to support someone’s healing journey is daunting to say the least and humbling to me in that literally every single person I meet, I learn something new. A new synapse is formed and my curiosity grows.
One thing that is clear to me is that while I have learned some incredible insights into fascinating things like stealth infections (?mold anyone??), nutrigenomics and methylation, tailored nutritional protocols and gut healing herbs and tinctures with literally zero side effects (YES!)… the FIRST place we need to start when it comes to healing is understanding Mindset.
I hammer this home in our course…. but Mindset is a WHOLE body experience.
Your Mindset sets the tone for your entire body.
We are proving this daily… for example… when you are in “fight or flight” response… you are not able to produce digestive enzymes and proteases normally… this only happens when you allow yourself to reset in the “rest and digest” response.
Your NERVOUS system is the link!
If you are ready to dive in and learn more about this concept through the lens of your nervous system… please join me!!!!
Let me know how it goes and PLEASE keep writing to me- we have so much more to come!!!
Sending you so much LOVE!!