Hemp Flower Extract

We’re going THERE….. Lets talk Hemp my friends.

I have been inundated with questions and conversations about CBD and hemp flower extract for quite some time now. I’ve had patient’s whisper to me their curiosity when I had my traditional practice, and I’ve had patients in the hospital be thrilled when I was open to discussing the difference between CBD and “medical marijuana” and why I recommend one over the other while they are in the hospital setting. This can be a touchy subject in the realm of traditional medicine. But the truth of the matter is that modern science is EXPLODING in this area and there is a lot of excitement…. you just have to look at the research and the PRODUCTS themselves.

The basic message in this post to get us started:

1) Hemp & Hemp Flower Extract have PERVASIVE potential to help your body restore homeostasis and facilitate healing!

2) This is NOT just about CBD… know your plant, know what you want, do your research.

3) SOURCE matters! See this article here for a Mayo Clinic expert talking about the potential of CBD and Hemp Medicine but warning of the impurity of most products (>25%!!!) that you find on the market today….I’ll share with you why I partner with an organic, family run, Hemp Farm out of Wilmington, NC when anyone asks me for a clean source of Hemp Flower Extract ( Link to my site here)

As with ALL things health, wellness, and personal empowerment…. YOU are your own best doctor. Research for YOURSELF. Trust your GUT, your intuition and involve your healthcare provider in your OWN research.

The Key with Hemp Medicine is KNOWING YOUR SOURCE.

One aspect of this topic that CONTINUES to shock me is the stigma around Hemp!

Trust me, I’ve been far on the other side of this discussion… a very dear loved one and I have duked it out time and time again, largely over MY misunderstanding of this medicine and reasons for which to use it or not.

You may find it humorous that I have never in my life “smoked weed!” … Maybe it was my mother telling me I would likely die if I ever tried it growing up (you know who you are)… Maybe it was my type A personality never being comfortable “potentially” losing control… Maybe it was the war on drugs in the 80’s? Maybe it was my comfort with alcohol? Who knows. I’ve been just fine, however my fascination with the natural world, herbal medicine, and mind-body medicine since I became a mother have expanded my respect and utter gratitude for incorporating this whole other world of potential into our toolbox of healing & wellness… and these days I openly discuss herbal remedies as far exceeding those offered from the pharmaceutical industries to Hemp Extract to even psychedelic treatments administered in the setting of nature immersion.

I’ve always taken an intellectual approach to most experiences in my life and diving into herbalism and herbal medicine in general has BLOWN my mind wide open and welcomed a fresh new perspective for SO many herbal remedies that I just love talking about with anyone who will listen. If you think “ a healthy diet and exercise “ holds potential…. just wait until you read some data and EXPERIENCE for yourSelf the power of God’s medicine right there in Nature… beneath your feet!

Hemp is on deck.

There’s no way to make this concise- I’ll dive into multiple topics in this series. For now, here’s what I want you to know about starting your research and my brief answers to the most commonly asked questions:

#1. Marijuana & Hemp are not the same. Marijuana plant has high THC, low CBD; Hemp has high CBD, and low THC.

#2. CBD is cannabidiol. This is ONE of HUNDREDS of cannabinoids found within the Hemp Plant that is currently being studied for a multitude of health benefits. (Multiple sclerosis, migraine, parkinson’s disease, dementias of all kinds, skin disorders and inflammatory gut disorders, rheumatologic and autoimmune conditions, insomnia and sleep disorders… to name a few)

#3. Not all CBD is created equal! You HAVE to know your source. DO NOT BUY CBD FROM THE GAS STATION OR SUPERMARKET! I’ve even found CBD at local hemp suppliers that on the label clearly says “local” but when you look deeper it was hemp imported from China that was PROCESSED locally, not grown locally! DO. YOUR. RESEARCH! (I find this to be the main hesitation when talking to other colleagues about discussing hemp with their patients and clients… so many products do not contain the amount of CBD advertised on their bottle/label, and many of them are actually tainted with THC being ADDED to the product giving unwanted side effects!)

#4. CBD does NOT equal “Hemp Flower Extract.” As in #2 above, CBD is the most well known cannabinoid that has been studied and marketed in the mainstream today so most products you’ll find on the shelf will say “CBD” or “CBD isolate”… even the FDA approved CBD product called Epidiolex is a CBD product. CBD can only do so much on its own. In nature CBD is found with hundreds of other cannabinoid compounds, flavinoids, and terpenes within the hemp plant iself. The combination of these compounds is stronger and more effective, more powerful I’d even say, than any of the compounds isolated by themselves. This is called the “entourage effect” (google it!). (A good book on this Whole vs Isolate concept is Dr. T.Collin Campbell’s book “Whole” where you can see this concept layed out clearly and powerfully in the field of lifestyle medicine.. .highly recommend it!).

#5. Hemp Flower Extract Products are what I use and recommend due to this concept in #4. Its more powerful, its closer to nature, and it contains CBD within the natural structure of which it was intended to be used!

#6. Hemp is a “scavenger plant”… it pulls up toxins and chemicals from the soil where its grown… SOURCE is vital to getting a clean medicine. This is why China uses Hemp and imports Hemp in the way that it does because its using it to clean the air and soil! You must have USDA Organic… even better if the farm has knowledge of organic practices and knows how to avoid chemicals in processing as well.

#7. Hemp Flower Extract means Hemp Flowers ONLY! Not “aerial parts”, “stems”, etc. This is the best way to get a clean product with highest quality cannabinoids, flavinoids, and terpenes. Great Green Compass Video Here On This Point

#8. Most products sold over the counter, in gas stations, etc have synthetic THC added to the CBD product! Natural, organic, hemp flower extract has, biologically, <0.03% of THC in the plant itself. That is the DEFINITION of hemp. Many products and companies ADD synthetic THC to MAKE you feel something “quickly” because they want to lure you back into the product and they are trying to capitalize on our society’s obsession with escaping. Same reason food companies and fast food chains add MSG to foods… to give you that “oh my god” and have you craving to come get more.

#9. CBD helps temper the psychoactive & adverse effects of THC… for people who smoke a lot of weed and want help getting off of it… I love to advise adding a clean, organic CBD product! In fact, in this study.. patients with MS were given THC isolate to help with their MS spasticity and multiple patients dropped out and reported adverse psychological effects because they felt so awful- nausea and anxiety… this is likely because the study chose to ISOLATE the THC… and did not give it with CBD as its found in nature! We do NOT see this with CBD and studies examining marijuana (the WHOLE plant which contains THC & CBD) patients have much greater outcomes due to the allowance of the CBD to be there as well. Studies looking at HEMP, not marijuana, are coming…. they have far less drop out rates as marijuana studies due to the lack of THC.

#10. When starting a Hemp Flower Extract Product. Start low and tune into your body. Give yourself a full 30 days and take advantage of this time to really tune into your body’s OWN endocannabinoid system. Remember… your own body makes cannabinoids that you use ALL the time!!! Lets explore that next… for a sneak peak at the Endocannabinoid System, check out this video by Green Compass HERE.

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Jessica Floyd