Get to Know Your Genes- StrateGene Report & Dirty Genes Course
This is a great place to start to get empowered for lifestyle choices and to actually dig in and listen to your body if you’re feeling confused.
GENEs… can be confusing as to where and how to start! The information they provide YOU as the person having symptoms can be LIFE-CHANGING. To let you know how much of a deal this is…. typically it can cost anywhere from $57 dollars to $150 dollars for ONE genetic single nucleotide polymorphism (kinks in your genes, such as MTHFR snp); This report takes your commercially purchased genetic info (think:, 23&me, etc) and extracts more than 150 snps for a FULL assessment that you can begin to use immediately in making your health driven changes. This is individualized, precision medicine at its finest! (Click on pictures Below to check it out!)
I used to order individual gene tests in my clinic and NONE of them were covered by insurance… for the cash price of ONE genetic snp test you can now use this program called StrateGene by Dr. Ben Lynch to look at AND get write-ups to fully understand the most important genetic snp’s in YOUR BODY!
Seeing PROOF that your particular body is not able to metabolize synthetic b-vitamins (folic acid, etc) is a HUGE motivator to learning to read ingredient labels and saying NO to “enriched” foods!
I also love his approach in his online course “Dirty Genes” where he takes what can be an insanely overwhelming topic (even for an MD like me!) and breaks it down so that you are truly empowered by this information.
The entire team at SeekingHealth and StrateGene do a great job of explaining how to order and download your results- Genetic testing today is typically done by a cheek-swab… no pricks or pokes needed. I highly recommend the course WITH the genetic report because Dr. Lynch breaks it down how ACTIONABLE this information can be for you and your family. Remember- “Your genes load the gun, your LIFESTYLE pulls the trigger!” Let me know how you like this report and course- As always, you can jump on a voxer chat or phone call with me to chat about your data or review how to process it- check out my services tab above for availability! Sending my Love!